
Pierrard, V., T.G.W. Verhulst, J.-M. Chevalier, N. Bergeot, and A. Winant (2025): Effects of the Geomagnetic Superstorms of 10–11 May 2024 and 7–11 October 2024 on the Ionosphere and Plasmasphere, Atmosphere, 16(3), 299, doi:10.3390/atmos16030299.

Belehaki, A., I. Häggström, T. Kiss, I. Galkin, A. Tjulin, M. Miháliková, C.-F. Enell, G. Pierantoni, Y. Chen, G. Sipos, S. Bruinsma, V. Pierrard, D. Altadill, A. Segarra, V. Navas-Portella, E. Pica, L. Spogli, L. Alfonsi, C. Cesaroni, V. Romano, S. Mainella, P. Vermicelli, T. Verhulst, S. Poedts, M. Hernández-Pajares, D. Buresova, J. Rusz, J. Chum, F. Darouzet, E. Botek, H. Rothkaehl, B. Matyjasiak, M. Pożoga, M. Grzesiak, D. Chan You Fee, D. Kigialis, I. Tsagouri, A. Thanasou, T. Herekakis, J.-M. Chevalier, N. Bergeot, A. Winant, M. Mevius, B. Witvliet, V. Graffina, A. Marchaudon, D. Wenzel, M. Kriegel, J. Matzka, G. Kervalishvili, T. Raita, R. Hynönen, and J. Watermann (2025): Integrating plasmasphere, ionosphere and thermosphere observations and models into a standardised open access research environment: The PITHIA-NRF international project, Advances in Space Research 75(3), 3082–3114, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2024.11.065.

Mošna, Z., V. Barta, K.A. Berényi, J. Mielich, T. Verhulst, D. Kouba, J. Urbář, J. Chum, P. Koucká Knížová, H. Marew, K. Podolská, and R. Bojilova (2024): The March and April 2023 ionospheric storms over Europe, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 11, 1462160, doi:10.3389/fspas.2024.1462160.

Csilla, S., Z. Mošna, A. Igaz, D. Kouba, T.G.W. Verhulst, P. Koucká Knížová, K. Podolská, and V. Barta (2024): Technical Possibilities and Limitations of the DPS-4D Type of Digisonde in Individual Meteor Detections, Remote Sensing 16(14), 2658, doi:10.3390/rs16142658.

Tahir, A., F. Wu, M. Shah, C. Amory-Mazaudier, P. Jamjareegulgarr, T.G.W. Verhulst, M.A. Ameen (2024): Multi-Instrument Observation of the Ionospheric Irregularities and Disturbances during the 23–24 March 2023 Geomagnetic Storm, Remote Sensing 16(9), 1594, doi:10.3390/rs16091594.

Haralambous, H., M. Guerra, J. Chum, T.G.W. Verhulst, V. Barta, D. Altadill, C. Cesaroni, I. Galkin, K. Márta, J. Mielich, D. Kouba, D. Buresova, A. Segarra, L. Spogli, J. Rusz, J. Zedník (2023): Multi-Instrument Observations of Various Ionospheric Disturbances Caused by the 6 February 2023 Turkey Earthquake, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 128, e2023JA031691, doi:10.1029/2023JA031691.

Verhulst, T.G.W., G. De Franceschi, and C. Cesaroni (2023): Ionospheric effects of the Hunga Tonga Volcanic Eruption of 15 January 2022, Radio Science Bulletin No.  378, pp. 95ff., Download.

Paul, K.S., H. Haralambous, C. Oikonomou, A.K. Sing, T.L. Gulyaeva, V.A. Pancheko, D. Altadill, D. Buresova, J. Mielich, T. Verhulst (2023): Mid-latitude spread F over an extended European area, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 248, 106093, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2023.106093.

Stankov, S.M., T.G.W. Verhulst, and D. Sapundjiev (2023): Automatic Ionospheric Weather Monitoring With DPS-4D Ionosonde and ARTIST-5 Autoscaler: System Performance at a Mid-Latitude Observatory, Radio Science 12(2), e2022RS007628, doi:10.1029/2022RS007628 .

Verhulst, T.G.W. and S.M. Stankov (2022): The Changing Shape of the Ionosphere During a Solar Eclipse, URSI Radio Science Letters 4, 0068, doi:10.46620/22-0068 (Download).

Talha, M., N. Ahmed, M. Ayyaz Ameen, D. Sapundjiev, G. Murtaza (2022): Equinoctial asymmetry during solar minima at low to mid latitude, Advacnes in Space Research 70(10), 2941–2952, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2022.07.073.

Verhulst, T.G.W., D. Altadill, V. Barta, A. Belehaki, D. Burešová, C. Cesaroni, I. Galkin, M. Guerra, A. Ippolito, T. Herekakis, D. Kouba, J. Mielich, A. Segarra, L. Spogli, and I. Tsagouri (2022): Multi-instrument detection in Europe of ionospheric disturbances caused by the 15 January 2022 eruption of the Hunga volcano, Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 12, A35, doi:10.1051/swsc/2022032 .

Abunina, M., R. Bütikofer, K.-L. Klein, O. Kryakunova, M. Laurenza, D. Ruffolo, D. Sapundjiev, C.T. Steigies, and I. Usokin (2021): NMDB@Home 2020: Proceedings of the 1st virtual symposium on cosmic ray studies with neutron detectors, Cosmic ray studies with neutron detectors 1, Universitätsverlag, Kiel, doi:10.38072/2748-3150/v1.

Gul, B., M. Ayyaz Ameen, T.G.W. Verhulst (2021): Correlation between foEs and zonal winds over Rome, Okinawa and Townsville using Horizontal Wind Model (HWM14) during solar cycle 22, Advances in Space Research 68(11), 4658–4664, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2021.08.027 (download).

Kauristie, K., J. Andries, P. Beck, J. Berdermann, D. Berghmans, C. Cesaroni, E. De Donder, J. de Patoul, M. Dierckxsens, E. Doornbos, M. Gibbs, K. Hammond, H. Haralambous, A.-M. Harri, E. Henley, M. Kriegel, T. Laitinen, M. Latocha, Y. Maneva, L. Perrone, E. Pica, L. Rodriguez, V. Romano, D. Sabbagh, L. Spogli, I. Stanislawska, L. Tomasik, M. Tshisaphungo, K. van Dam, B. van den Oord, P. Vanlommel, T. Verhulst, V. Wilken, A. Zalizovski, K. Österberg (2021): Space Weather Services for Civil Aviation—Challenges and Solutions, Remote Sensing 13(18), 3685, doi:10.3390/rs13183685 (download).

Verhulst, T.G.W., S. Bracke, F. Humbled, and S.M. Stankov (2021): Local Magnetic Activity Index Nowcast Based on Concurrent Measurements at Two Observatories in Close Proximity, Space Weather 19(8), e2020SW002709, doi:10.1029/2020SW002709 (download).

Belehaki, A., I. Tsagouri, D. Altadill, E. Blanch, C. Borries, D. Buresova, J. Chum, I. Galkin, J.M. Juan, A. Segarra, C.C. Timoté, K. Tziotziou, T.G.W. Verhulst, J. Watermann (2020): An overview of methodologies for real-time detection, characterisation and tracking of traveling ionospheric disturbances developed in the TechTIDE project, Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 10, A42, doi:10.1051/swsc/2020043 (download).

Verhulst, T.G.W., S. Stankov (2020): Height dependency of solar eclipse effects: the ionospheric perspective, Journal of Geophysical Research, 125(7), e2020JA028088, doi:10.1029/2020JA028088 (download).

Sapundjiev, D., T. Verhulst, S. Stankov (2020): International Database of Neutron Monitor Measurements: Development and Applications, in Knowledge Discovery in Big Data from Astronomy and Earth Observation (eds. Petr Skoda & Fathalrahman Adam), Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Amsterdam (doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-819154-5.00032-1).

Reinisch, B., I. Galkin, A. Belehaki, V. Paznukhov, X. Huang, D. Altadill, D. Buresova, J. Mielich, T. Verhulst, S. Stankov, E. Blanch, D. Kouba, R. Hamel, A. Kozlov, I. Tsagouri, A. Mouzakis, M. Messerotti, M. Parkinson, M. Ishii (2018): Pilot ionosonde network for identification of travelling ionospheric disturbances. Radio Science 53, RS006263 (doi:10.1002/2017RS006263) (download).

Verhulst, T.G.W., S.M. Stankov (2018): Ionospheric wave signature of the American solar eclipse on 21 August 2017 in Europe. Advances in Space Research 61(9), 2245–2251 (doi:10.1016/j.asr.2018.02.007) (download).

Stankov, S.M., N. Bergeot, D. Berghmans, D. Bolsée, C. Bruyninx, J.-M. Chevalier, F. Clette, H. De Backer, J. De Keyser, E. D’Huys, M. Dominique, J.F. Lemaire, J. Magdalenić, C. Marqué, N. Pereira, V. Pierrard, D. Sapundjiev, D.B. Seaton, K. Stegen, R. Van der Linden, T.G.W. Verhulst, M.J. West (2017): Multi-instrument observations of the solar eclipse on 20 March 2015 and its effects on the ionosphere over Belgium and Europe. Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 7, A19 (doi:10.1051/swsc/2017017) (download).

Verhulst, T.G.W., S.M. Stankov (2017): Height-dependent sunrise and sunset: effects and implications of the varying times of occurrence for local ionospheric processes and modelling. Advances in Space Research, 60(8), 1797–1806 (doi:10.1016/j.asr.2017.05.042) (download).

Verhulst, T.G.W., D. Altadill, J. Mielich, B. Reinisch, I. Galkin, A. Mouzakis, A. Belehaki, D. Buresova, S.M. Stankov, E. Blanch, D. Kouba (2017): Vertical and oblique HF sounding with a network of synchronized ionosondes. Advances in Space Research 60(8), 1644–1656 (doi:10.1016/j.asr.2017.06.033) (download)

Verhulst, T.G.W., D. Sapundjiev, S.M. Stankov (2016): High-resolution ionospheric observations and modeling over Belgium during the solar eclipse of 20 March 2015 including first results of ionospheric tilt and plasma drift measurements. Advances in Space Research 57(11), 2407–2419 (doi:10.1016/j.asr.2016.03.009) (download).

Sapundjiev, D., S.M. Stankov (2016): Statistical analysis and modeling of the local ionospheric critical frequency: a mid-latitude single-station model for use in forecasting. Acta Geophysica 64(3), 810–824 (doi:10.1515/acgeo-2016-0029) (download)

Kotov, D.V., V. Truhlik, P.G. Richards, S. Stankov, O.V. Bogomaz, L.F. Chernogor, I.F. Domnin (2015): Night-time light ion transition height behaviour over the Kharkiv (50°N, 36°E) IS radar during the equinoxes of 2006–2010. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 132(9), 1–12 (doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2015.06.004) (download).

Verhulst, T., S. M. Stankov (2015): Ionospheric specification with analytical profilers: Evidences of non-Chapman electron density distribution in the upper ionosphere. Advances in Space Research 55(8), 2058–2069 (doi:10.1016/j.asr.2014.10.017) (download).

De Keyser, J., S. Stankov, T. Verhulst (2014): Earth's magnetosphere and ionosphere. KBVE Review E Tijdschrift - Journal of the Royal Belgian Association of Electrical Engineers (KBVE) 130(2) (view at publisher) (download).

Verhulst, T., S. Stankov, J. Rasson (2014): The geomagnetic field: an actively changing global phenomenon. KBVE Review E Tijdschrift - Journal of the Royal Belgian Association of Electrical Engineers (KBVE) 130(2) (view at publisher) (download).

Verhulst, T., S. M. Stankov (2014): Evaluation of ionospheric profilers using topside sounding data. Radio Science 49(3), 181–195 (doi:10.1002/2013RS005263) (download).

Sapundjiev, D., M. Nemry, S. M. Stankov, J.C. Jodogne (2014): Data reduction and correction algorithm for digital real-time processing of cosmic ray measurements: NM64 monitoring at Dourbes. Advances in Space Research 53(1), 71–76 (doi:10.1016/j.asr.2013.09.037) (download).

Verhulst, T., S. M. Stankov (2013): The topside sounder database — Data screening and systematic biases. Advances in Space Research 51(11), 2010–2017 (doi:10.1016/j.asr.2012.12.023) (download).

Stankov, S. M., J.C. Jodogne, I. Kutiev, K. Stegen, R. Warnant (2012): Evaluation of automatic ionogram scaling for use in real-time ionospheric density profile specification: Dourbes DGS-256/ARTIST-4 performance. Annals of Geophysics, Vol.55, No.2, pp.283-291, (doi:10.4401/ag-4976). (view at publisher) (download)

Lejeune, S., G. Wautelet, R. Warnant (2012): Ionospheric effects on relative positioning within a dense GPS network. GPS Solutions, Vol.16, No.1, pp.105-116. (view at publisher) (download)

Stankov, S. M., K. Stegen, P. Muhtarov, R. Warnant (2011): Local ionospheric electron density profile reconstruction in real time from simultaneous ground-based GNSS and ionosonde measurements. Advances in Space Research, Vol.47, No.7, pp. 1172-1180, (doi:10.1016/j.asr.2010.11.039). (view at publisher) (download)

Stankov, S. M., K. Stegen, R. Warnant (2011): K-type geomagnetic index nowcast with data quality control. Annals of Geophysics, Vol.54, No.3, pp.285-295, (doi:10.4401/ag-4655). (view at publisher) (download)

Spits, J., R. Warnant (2011): Total Electron Content monitoring using triple frequency GNSS: results with Giove-A/-B data. Advances in Space Research, Vol.47, No.2, pp. 296-303. (view at publisher) (download)

Bidaine, B., R. Warnant (2011): Ionosphere modelling for Galileo single frequency users: illustration of the combination of the NeQuick model and GNSS data ingestion. Advances in Space Research, Vol.47, No.2, pp. 312-322. (view at publisher) (download)

Stankov, S. M., K. Stegen, R. Warnant (2010): Seasonal variations of storm-time TEC at European middle latitudes. Advances in Space Research, Vol.46, No.10, pp. 1318-1325, (doi:10.1016/j.asr.2010.07.017). (view at publisher) (download)

Bidaine, B., R. Warnant (2010): Assessment of the NeQuick model at mid-latitudes using GNSS TEC and ionosonde data. Advances in Space Research, Vol.45, pp.1122-1128. (view at publisher) (download)

Stankov, S. M., R. Warnant (2009): Ionospheric slab thickness - Analysis, modelling and monitoring. Advances in Space Research, Vol.44, No.11, pp.1295-1303, (doi:10.1016/j.asr.2009.07.010). (view at publisher) (download)

Stankov, S. M., R. Warnant, K. Stegen (2009): Trans-ionospheric GPS signal delay gradients observed over mid-latitude Europe during the geomagnetic storms of October–November 2003. Advances in Space Research, Vol.43, No.9, pp.1314-1324, (doi:10.1016/j.asr.2008.12.012). (view at publisher) (download)

Warnant, R., U. Foelsche, M. Aquino, B. Bidaine, V. Gherm, M.M. Hoque, I. Kutiev, S. Lejeune, J.P. Luntama, J. Spits, H. Strangeways, G. Wautelet, N. Zernov, N. Jakowski (2009): Mitigation of ionospheric effects on GNSS. Annals of Geophysics, Vol.52, No.3-4, pp.373-390. (view at publisher) (download)

Strangeways, H.J., I. Kutiev, L.R. Cander, S. Kouris, V. Gherm, D. Marin, B. De La Morena, S.E. Pryse, L. Perrone, M. Pietrella, S. M. Stankov, L. Tomasik, E. Tulunay, Y. Tulunay, N. Zernov, B. Zolesi (2009): Near-Earth space plasma modelling and forecasting. Annals of Geophysics, Vol.52, No.3-4, pp.255-271. (view at publisher) (download)

Buresova, D., B. Nava, I. Galkin, M. Angling, S. M. Stankov, P. Coisson (2009): Data ingestion and assimilation in ionospheric models. Annals of Geophysics, Vol.52, No.3-4, pp.235-253. (view at publisher) (download)

Kutiev, I., P. Muhtarov, B. Andonov, R. Warnant (2009): Hybrid model for nowcasting and forecasting the K index. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Vol.71, No.5, pp.589-596. (view at publisher) (download)

Kutiev, I., P. Marinov, S. Fidanova, R. Warnant (2009): Modeling medium-scale TEC structures observed by Belgian GPS receivers network. Advances in Space Research, Vol.43, pp.1732-1739. (view at publisher) (download)

Jakowski, N., J. Mielich, C. Borries, L. Cander, A. Krankowski, B. Nava, S. M. Stankov (2008): Large scale ionospheric gradients over Europe observed in October 2003. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Vol.70, No.15, pp.1894-1903. (view at publisher) (download)

Spits, J., R. Warnant (2008): Total Electron Content monitoring using triple frequency GNSS data: a three-step approach. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Vol.70, No.15, pp.1885-1893. (view at publisher) (download)

Lejeune, S., R. Warnant (2008): A novel method for the quantitative assessment of the ionosphere effect on high accuracy GNSS applications which require ambiguity resolution. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Vol.70, No.6, pp.889-900. (view at publisher) (download)

Jakowski, N., S. M. Stankov, V. Wilken, C. Borries, D. Altadill, J. Chum, D. Buresova, J. Boska, P. Sauli,  F. Hruska, L.R. Cander (2008): Ionospheric behavior over Europe during the solar eclipse of 3 October 2005. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Vol.70, No.6, pp.836-853, (doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2007.02.016). (view at publisher) (download)

Trichtchenko, L., A. Zhukov, R. Van Der Linden, S. M. Stankov, N. Jakowski, I. Stanislawska, G. Juchnikowski, P. Wilkinson, G. Patterson, A.W.P. Thomson (2007): November 2004 space weather events – real time observations and forecasts. Space Weather, Vol.5, No.6, S06001, (doi:10.1029/2006SW000281). (view at publisher) (download)

Stankov, S. M., P. Marinov, I. Kutiev (2007): Comparison of NeQuick, PIM, and TSM model results for the plasma scale and transition heights. Advances in Space Research, Vol.39, No.5, pp.767-773, (doi:10.1016/j.jasr.2006.10.023). (view at publisher) (download)

Stankov, S. M., N. Jakowski (2007): Ionospheric effects on GNSS reference network integrity. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Vol.69, No.4-5, pp.485-499, (doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2006.08.008). (view at publisher) (download)

Warnant, R., S. Lejeune, M. Bavier (2007): Space Weather influence on satellite based navigation and precise positioning. In: Lilensten, J. (Ed.): Space Weather - Research Towards Applications in Europe. Astrophysics and Space Science library series, Springer, Vol.344, pp. 129-146. (view at publisher) (download request)

Warnant, R., I. Kutiev, P. Marinov, M. Bavier, S. Lejeune (2007): Ionospheric and geomagnetic conditions during periods of degraded GPS position accuracy: 2. RTK events during disturbed and quiet geomagnetic conditions. Advances in Space Research, Vol.39, No.5, pp.881-888. (view at publisher) (download)

Warnant, R., I. Kutiev, P. Marinov, M. Bavier, S. Lejeune (2007): Ionospheric and geomagnetic conditions during periods of degraded GPS position accuracy : 1. Monitoring variability in TEC which degrades the accuracy of Real Time Kinematic GPS applications. Advances in Space Research, Vol.39, No.5, pp.875-880. (view at publisher) (download)

Stankov, S. M., N. Jakowski, K. Tsybulya, V. Wilken (2006): Monitoring the generation and propagation of ionospheric disturbances and effects on Global Navigation Satellite System positioning. Radio Science, Vol.41, No.5, RS6S09,(doi:10.1029/2005RS003327). (view at publisher) (download)

Stankov, S. M., N. Jakowski (2006): Topside ionospheric scale height analysis and modelling based on radio occultation measurements. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Vol.68, No.2, pp.134-162, (doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2005.10.003). (view at publisher) (download)

Jakowski, N., S. M. Stankov, S. Schlueter, D. Klaehn (2006): On developing a new ionospheric perturbation index for space weather operations. Advances in Space Research, Vol.38, No.11, pp.2596-2600, (doi:10.1016/j.asr.2005.07.043). (view at publisher) (download)

Jakowski, N., S. Heise, S. M. Stankov, K. Tsybulya (2006): Remote sensing of the ionosphere by space-based GNSS observations. Advances in Space Research, Vol.38, No.11, pp.2337-2343, (doi:10.1016/j.asr.2005.07.015). (view at publisher) (download)

Belehaki, A., P. Marinov, I. Kutiev, N. Jakowski, S. M. Stankov (2006): Comparison of the topside ionosphere scale height determined by topside sounders model and bottomside digisonde profiles. Advances in Space Research, Vol.37, No.5, pp.963-966, (doi:10.1016/j.asr.2005.09.014). (view at publisher) (download)

Stankov, S. M., N. Jakowski (2006): Topside plasma scale height retrieved from radio occultation measurements. Advances in Space Research , Vol.37, No.5, pp. 958-962, (doi:10.1016/j.asr.2005.12.009). (view at publisher) (download)

Stankov, S. M., N. Jakowski (2006): Indexing the local ionospheric response to magnetic activity by using total electron content measurements. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hun., Vol.41, No.1, pp.1-15, (doi:10.1556/AGeod.41.2006.1.1). (view at publisher) (download)

Jakowski, N., S. M. Stankov, D. Klaehn (2005): Operational space weather service for GNSS precise positioning. Annales Geophysicae, Vol.23, No.9, pp.3071-3079, (sRef-ID:1432-0576/ag/2005-23-3071). (view at publisher) (download)

Stankov, S. M., N. Jakowski, S. Heise (2005): Reconstruction of ion and electron density profiles from space-based measurements of the upper electron content. Planetary and Space Science, Vol.53, No.9, pp.945-957, (doi:10.1016/j.pss.2005.04.008). (view at publisher) (download)

Jakowski, N., V. Wilken, S. Schlueter, S. M. Stankov, S. Heise (2005): Ionospheric space weather effects monitored by simultaneous ground and spaced based GNSS signals. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Vol.67, No.12, pp.1074-1084, (doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2005.02.023). (view at publisher) (download)

Stankov, S. M., N. Jakowski (2005): Topside plasma scale height modeling based on CHAMP measurements: first results. In: C. Reigber, H. Luehr, P. Schwintzer, J. Wickert (Eds): Earth observations with CHAMP – results from three years in orbit (ISBN 3-540-22804-7), Springer, pp.459-464. (view at publisher) (download)
Jakowski, N., K. Tsybulya, J. Mielich, A. Belehaki, D. Altadill, J.C. Jodogne, B. Zolesi (2005): Validation of GPS ionospheric radio occultation results onboard CHAMP by vertical sounding observations in Europe. In: C. Reigber, H. Luehr, P. Schwintzer, J. Wickert (Eds): Earth observations with CHAMP – results from three years in orbit (ISBN 3-540-22804-7), Springer, pp.447-452. (view at publisher) (download)
Jakowski, N., K. Tsybulya, S. M. Stankov, A. Wehrenpfennig (2005): About the potential of GPS radio occultation measurements for exploring the ionosphere. In: C. Reigber, H. Luehr, P. Schwintzer, J. Wickert (Eds): Earth observations with CHAMP – results from three years in orbit (ISBN 3-540-22804-7), Springer, pp.441-446. (view at publisher) (download)

Jodogne, J.C., H. Nebdi, R. Warnant (2004): GPS TEC and ITEC from digisonde data compared with NeQuick model. Advances in Radio Science, Vol.2, pp.269–273. (view at publisher) (download)

Stamper, R., A. Belehaki, D. Buresova, L. Cander, I. Kutiev, M. Pietrella, I. Stanislawska, S. M. Stankov, I. Tsagouri, Y. Tulunay, B. Zolesi (2004): Nowcasting, forecasting and warning for ionospheric propagation: tools and methods. Annals of Geophysics, Vol.47, No.2/3, pp.957-983. (view at publisher) (download)

Stankov, S. M., I. S. Kutiev, N. Jakowski, A. Wehrenpfennig (2004): GPS TEC forecasting based on auto-correlation analysis. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hun. (ISSN 1217-8977), Vol.39, No.1, pp.1-14. (view at publisher) (download)

Stankov, S. M., N. Jakowski, S. Heise, P. Muhtarov, I. Kutiev, R. Warnant (2003): A new method for reconstruction of the vertical electron density distribution in the upper ionosphere and plasmasphere. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol.108, No.A5, 1164, (doi:10.1029/2002JA009570). (view at publisher) (download)

Stankov, S. M., R. Warnant, J.C. Jodogne (2003): Real-time reconstruction of the vertical electron density distribution from GPS-TEC measurements. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hun. (ISSN 1217-8977), Vol.38, No.4 , pp.377-388. (view at publisher) (download)

Jodogne, J.C., S. M. Stankov (2002): Ionosphere-plasmasphere response to geomagnetic storms studied with the RMI-Dourbes comprehensive database. Annals of Geophysics, Vol.45, No.5, pp.629-647. (view at publisher) (download)

Stankov, S. M. (2002): Evaluation of analytical ionospheric models used in the electron density profile reconstruction. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hun. (ISSN 1217-8977), Vol.37, No.4, pp.385-401. (view at publisher) (download)

Stankov, S. M., I.S. Kutiev, N. Jakowski, S. Heise (2002): Electron density profiles deduced from GPS TEC, O+- H+ transition height and ionosonde data. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hun. (ISSN 1217-8977), Vol.37, No.2-3, pp.171-181. (view at publisher) (download)

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Stankov S. M. (2002): Empirical modelling of ion transition levels based on satellite in-situ measurements. Compt. Rendus de l’Academie Bul. des Sciences (ISSN 0861-1459), Vol.55, No.1, pp.35-40. (view at publisher) (download)

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